Hello folks,
We have new marines in stock from now on we get a weekly delivery so we are building up our fish stock and corals again.
We are also doing pre orders…….we will be buying from Tropical Marine Centre in the Uk they are the best in the business all fish and corals inverts fully quarantined…….
So if you preorder you will save money we guarantee cheaper prices………
Some of the fish in stock ….some are reserved others sold so this is as up to date as i can make it……
button polys coloured in stock
star polyps in stock
cleaner shrimp in stock
algae blennys in stock
copperband butterfly in stock
long nose butterfly in stock
coral beauty in stock
yellow tangs in stock
regal tangs in stock
bi colour angels in stock
koran angel in stock
blue trigger in stock
red bubble anemone in stock
facula butterfly in stock
green chromis in stock
humbugs in stock
domino damsel in stock
clown fish percula tank bred in stock
fire fish in stock
sulphur goby in stock
carpet anemone in stock
valentini puffer in stock
pyjama wrasse in stock
button polyps giant green in stock
raffles butterfly in stock
blue regal damsel
powder blue tang in stock
limited quantities so dont hang around……i willl update for next weeks order.
Cheers everyone thank you for your patience……..